Monday 7 July 2014

Open Access Journals

We've done a couple of posts recently about the Open Access movement and how it also links with the requirements of the next REF. One option for article publication will be to do so via a purely open access journal (i.e. one that has rigorous peer review but is freely available on the Internet, without subscription). This will adhere to the principles of Gold Open Access, without you or your institution having to pay additional fees.

You can check possible publication options and their policies and fees using the Sherpa Romeo service.  However, if you just want to find titles that are open access, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a good place to start. You can check out the titles in your research area and also assess whether they are good options for your publication. You may also find some useful, freely available, research to download whilst you are there.

Publishing open access isn't just about adhering to REF. It's also a great way of getting your research circulated and letting more people see what you do.

We'll be doing more posts on the different types of open access in the coming months, but if you need to know anything in particular, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.

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